Europe Makes Ceramics
2020 yCAM Forum Online
Young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing Forum (yCAM) 2020
October 28-30 2020
The young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing Forum (yCAM) is an event and networking platform organized by EMC and supported by ECerS and the JECS Trust, dedicated to all young researchers interested in the Additive Manufacturing of ceramics
Due to the COVID 19 situation, yCAM 2020 was postponed from physical in Toulouse, France, in April 2020 to Online from 28th to 30th October 2020.
The yCAM 2020 online forum was a successful interactive conference with 34 oral presentations (including invited), poster sessions (56 posters presented), and even coffee breaks whereby the presenters and participants were able to interact with audio and video!
There were 164 registered participants from 29 countries - 142 academics and 22 professionals.
The 2020 yCAM Online event was organised by the yCAM committee, the University of Toulouse and ECerS with the financial help of the JECS Trust.
Read the debriefing of the yCAM 2020 Conference by Eren Özmen, co-organizer (available on the ECerS Website)
Read the debriefing of the yCAM 2020 Conference by Farid Salari, participant for the first time (available on the ECerS Website
Contact us for any information: - We will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.