Europe Makes Ceramics

yCAM 2022 - Call for Session Chairs

Dear yCAM community,

For the next event in Barcelona, we want to continue involving more researchers into the organization of yCAM, to be more inclusive and further develop our community.

In 2020, we proposed a new session chairs policy in which we will switch session chairs for the different topics every year. The session chairs for yCAM 2020 were determined through an open call; most of them were students at their first experience, and they did an amazing job, even on the challenging online platform we were forced to adopt. We deeply thank them for their help!

Given the positive feedback received for this initiative, we are pleased to announce that we are opening a new call for session chairs for yCAM 2022!

If you are interested, please check the attached announcement and apply to

The only requirements for applicants are:

  • you are doing active research in the field of Additive Manufacturing of ceramics.
  • you plan to attend yCAM 2022.

The deadline for applying is April 13rd and we are really looking forward to receiving your applications.

We think this as a good opportunity for early stage researchers to gain experience in the organizational aspects of a conference whitin a small, friendly environment; time commitment is very limited (a couple days max + conference attendance).

We will have a new call every year because we would like to involve as many of you as possible.

A final word for yCAM 2022 in Barcelona: registration and abstract submission is already open, remember to submit your abstract before May 8th!

Looking forward to seeing you in Barcelona,


Andrea, Giorgia, David


Contact us for any information: - We will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.


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EMC brings together scientists working in the field of Additive Manufacturing of ceramic materials:

ECerS office

Av. Gouverneur Cornez , 4

7000 Mons


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