Europe Makes Ceramics

yCAM 2022 - Location

The conference will take place in the Faculty of Chemistry :

Aula Magna Enric Casassas

Facultat de Química - Universitat de Barcelona

Carrer de Martí i Franquès, 1-11, 08028 Barcelona, Spain


Discover here how to reach the faculty.


The University of Barcelona (UB), founded in 1450, is a generalist, research oriented public university, with a strong incardination in the Catalan society.

The UB offers degrees in 73 different areas of teaching with numerous postgraduate and doctorate programs as well as continuing education courses. The UB manages an average of 150 European projects per year, for an average amount of about 8,6 million euro a year. The University of Barcelona is member of the League of European Research Universities (LERU) as an association of leading research-intensive universities that share the values of high-quality teaching within an environment of internationally competitive research.

The UB is one of the largest and most representative university in the country and it is ranked in the highest positions in Spain in nearly all international reviews. These conditions allow for a great diversity of programs in practically all fields of knowledge.

Barcelona is a European city with a strong sense of multiculturality and a proper feeling of democratic, participative and responsible citizenship. UB as a traditional and modern university combines the profound sense of mission and vision of Higher Education and is well suited to intertwine these values with our vibrant society.

The University of Barcelona is a leading university in Europe, with four cross-cutting missions: train future professionals, carry out high-level research, transfer knowledge to society and ensure that knowledge contributes to the well-being and progress of society.

Click here to discover the Institutional video of the UB and click here to discover the History of the UB.

You can discover the website of the Faculty here.


Description of the Faculty: 

The Faculty of Chemistry is a leading institution, within both the Catalan and Spanish university systems. It has long been recognized as the best public university faculty in Spain for studying chemistry, in national and international rankings. In addition to our bachelor’s degrees in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Materials Engineering, the current offering also encompasses university master’s degrees and doctoral programmes. Likewise, our international outlook is reflected in our participation in two Erasmus Mundus Master's Programmes, one of which is directly coordinated by a professor at the Faculty.

To complement this educational offering, personnel at the Faculty of Chemistry conduct highly advanced research, with some 34 consolidated research groups certified by the Government of Catalunya and direct participation in various research institutes. Diverse members of Faculty staff are involved in national and international research projects, and it has been shown that we have the highest level of scientific output of any university centre dedicated to chemistry in the country.




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