Europe Makes Ceramics
2018 yCAM Forum in Padova
young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing Forum (yCAM) 2018
May 3-4 2018
University of Padova - Padova, Italy
The young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing Forum (yCAM) took place on May 3-4 2018 in Padova, Italy.
The conference was held by the University of Padova, Industrial Engineering Department.
yCAM 2018 had a very positive response of international participation with almost 100 registered participants coming from institutions situated in 19 different countries.
Four keynote presentations from senior researchers were delivered by Prof. E. Saiz (Imperial College, UK), Prof. G. Bertrand (CIRIMAT, France), Dr. R. Gaignon (3DCERAM, France) and Dr. E. Mancuso (Ulster University, UK). The major part of the program, split over 8 sessions in two days, included 28 presentations from young scientists. In addition, the participants enjoyed the possibility of taking part in the conference dinner on the evening of May 3rd and a visit to MUSME (Museum of History of Medicine in Padova).
yCAM 2018 conference was sponsored by the JECS Trust and by ICerS and was patrocinated by the University of Padova and the Industrial Engineering Department.
JECS Trust offered also 20 travel grants up to 300€; priority was given to who delivered an oral presentation.
Contact: Dr. Giorgia Franchin
University of Padova – Padova, Italy - T: + 39 049 827-5508
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