Europe Makes Ceramics
2023 yCAM forum in Leoben
The young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing Forum (yCAM) is an event and networking platform organized by EMC and supported by ECerS and the JECS Trust, dedicated to all young researchers interested in the Additive Manufacturing of ceramics.
We are pleased to announce that the 2023 edition of yCAM will take place in Leoben, Austria, from 30th August till 1st September 2023.
Everyone interested in AM who is a student, young researcher or young professional (up to Ph.D. + 6 years) is more than welcome to join the event. yCAM 2023 is a place for open discussion, combining high-quality scientific presentations with a fresh and informal discussion at all levels, from learning the basics of new technologies to sharing practical experiences.
To facilitate the participation of young researchers, 20 travel grants of up to 300 € will be sponsored by the JECS Trust. Priority will be given to oral presentations and the abstract evaluation.
yCAM is not only a conference but a community discussing the themes of Additive Manufacturing of ceramic materials. If you would like to join and help us grow this community, make sure to follow our updates :
- Europe Makes Ceramics
- EMC yCAM social platform
- Our new LinkedIn page : yCAM - Young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing
Contact us for any information: - We will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.