Europe Makes Ceramics

Anna De Marzi
graduated from the University of Padova, Italy with a Bachelor’s Degree (2015) and a Master’s Degree (2017) in Materials Engineering. She developed her Master's thesis project at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, thanks to an Erasmus+ Program grant, working on the additive manufacturing of bioactive glass porous structures. Between 2018 and 2019 she worked as a research assistant by firstly collaborating with Prysmian Group, Italy on the development of fire-resistant cable covers, and then in the CerAMglass Research Group, at the University of Padova, on the additive manufacturing of preceramic polymers. She received her Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Padova (2023). She’s currently a post-doc at the University of Padova, working on the development of hybrid and multi-material additive manufacturing techniques for the fabrication of ceramics.

Sarah Diener
graduated from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany) with a Bachelor's degree (2014) and a Master's degree (2016) in Material Science and Engineering. During her studies, she gained practical experience in developing glass and ceramics in internships at IPAS (Institute of Photonics and Advanced Sensing) in Adelaide, Australia, and at Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea. Since 2017 Sarah has worked at Kyocera Fineceramics Precision GmbH in Selb (Germany) in the additive manufacturing of ceramic materials, focusing on non-oxide ceramics. She finished her Ph.D. on slurry-based binder jetting supervised by Prof. Jens Günster in 2023. The research was performed in collaboration with BAM, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin (Germany).

Johanna Sänger
studied chemistry at the Georg-August-University Göttingen (B.Sc. 2010) and University of Leipzig (M.Sc. 2014). She earned her PhD in Engineering (2021) from the Technical University of Clausthal focusing on Two-Photon-Polymerization of Ceramics for Powder processing at the Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing (BAM) in Berlin, supervised by Prof. Jens Günster. As Post-Doc in additive manufacturing of ceramics she worked from 2023 at the Montanuniversity Leoben, Austria, and returned to Berlin in 2024 to start her own junior research group in 2025 on high precision additive manufacturing of ceramic materials.
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