Europe Makes Ceramics
yCAM 2025 - Committee

Anna De Marzi
yCAM committee
Anna graduated from the University of Padova, Italy with a Bachelor’s Degree (2015) and a Master’s Degree (2017) in Materials Engineering. She developed her Master's thesis project at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, thanks to an Erasmus+ Program grant, working on the additive manufacturing of bioactive glass porous structures. Between 2018 and 2019 she worked as a research assistant by firstly collaborating with Prysmian Group, Italy on the development of fire-resistant cable covers, and then in the CerAMglass Research Group, at the University of Padova, on the additive manufacturing of preceramic polymers. She received her Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Padova (2023). She’s currently a post-doc at the University of Padova, working on the development of hybrid and multi-material additive manufacturing techniques for the fabrication of ceramics.

Sarah Diener
yCAM committee
Sarah graduated from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany) with a Bachelor's degree (2014) and a Master's degree (2016) in Material Science and Engineering. During her studies, she gained practical experience in developing glass and ceramics in internships at IPAS (Institute of Photonics and Advanced Sensing) in Adelaide, Australia, and at Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea. Since 2017 Sarah has worked at Kyocera Fineceramics Precision GmbH in Selb (Germany) in the additive manufacturing of ceramic materials, focusing on non-oxide ceramics. She finished her Ph.D. on slurry-based binder jetting supervised by Prof. Jens Günster in 2023. The research was performed in collaboration with BAM, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin (Germany).

Johanna Sänger
yCAM committee
Johanna studied chemistry at the Georg-August-University Göttingen (B.Sc. 2010) and University of Leipzig (M.Sc. 2014). She earned her PhD in Engineering (2021) from the Technical University of Clausthal focusing on Two-Photon-Polymerization of Ceramics for Powder processing at the Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing (BAM) in Berlin, supervised by Prof. Jens Günster. As Post-Doc in additive manufacturing of ceramics she worked from 2023 at the Montanuniversity Leoben, Austria, and returned to Berlin in 2024 to start her own junior research group in 2025 on high precision additive manufacturing of ceramic materials.
Bertille Belleville
Local committee
Bertille graduated from the Bordeaux Graduate School of Materials, Agrifood and Chemistry with the French equivalent of a Master of Engineering (2024) in Material Science.
During her studies, she was enrolled in a degree apprenticeship and worked with SAFRAN Ceramics company for 3 years. In this research and development centre for thermostructural composite materials of SAFRAN Group, she worked on the CIM (Ceramic Injection Molding) process to implement ceramic matrix composites with short ceramic fibers reinforcement, at the R&T department. Bertille is currently a Ph.D. student within the CIRIMAT laboratory of Toulouse (France), supervised by Prof. David Grossin and Prof. Fabien Brouillet. She is working on the development of low-temperature reactive additive manufacturing applied to calcium phosphate compounds in the field of bone repair, more precisely on reactive binder jetting and reactive robocasting.

Maéna Galeron
Local committee
Maéna graduated from the Engineering School Centrale of Nantes (France) with a Master’s Degree (2022) in Material Science. During her formation, she had the opportunity to do a double degree at Politecnico di Milano (Italy) in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology.
During her stay at Politecnico di Milano, Maéna has carried out a master thesis focused on the synthesis and study of photochromic molecular sensors to observe and control the interaction of bacteria with their environment through their membranes. Currently, she is a Research Engineer at the CIRIMAT (Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche et d'Ingénierie des Matériaux) laboratory (in Toulouse, France). Her work is focused on Additive Manufacturing (AM) of ceramic materials. She is working mainly on a dynamic molding 3D printing process of ceramic pastes into a dynamic powder mold, to produce controlled porous lattices and bioceramic scaffolds.

David Grossin
Local committee
David is Associate Professor of the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (University of Toulouse, France). He is a teacher in Materials Chemistry in the Engineering school INP-ENSIACET and team leader of “Phosphates, Pharmacotechnics, Biomaterials ” research group of the CIRIMAT Carnot Institute in Toulouse. He received his PhD Materials Chemistry (2006) from the University of Caen for his work concerning the “development of microwave heating process in order to elaborate ceramics with particular electric properties”.
Since 2007, his main research activity concerns the investigation of calcium phosphate compounds (characterizations, shaping, addive manufacturing, coating), in particular of biomimetic nanocrystalline apatites, and substituted hydroxyapatite for medical application.

Prescillia Lagarrigue
Local committee
Prescillia has been an Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences) at Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (University of Toulouse, France) since 2023. She graduated as a Materials Science Engineer from the engineering school INP-ENSIACET in 2016 and earned a Master's degree (M2) in Mechanics from Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier in 2017.
She obtained her Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from INP-Toulouse in 2020 (CIRIMAT, Toulouse – IBMM Montpellier), focusing on the development of bioglass/polyester composites for the fabrication of macroporous scaffolds via freeze-casting, aimed at mandibular bone reconstruction. Currently, she teaches Chemistry and Materials Science to both undergraduate and graduate students at Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier. Throughout her diverse research experiences and in her current role, she has contributed to both national and international projects, often in collaboration with industry partners. Her actual research focuses on the synthesis, functionalization and shaping of inorganic and hybrid materials, at the interface of hard and soft matter.
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